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The rising sales figures show that electric cars are becoming increasingly common. The insurance market is struggling to meet this trend. Due to the high purchase price and expensive claims, only a few insurers are currently offering a fully-fledged insurance solution. We have closed that gap in the market with our VD Electric Vehicle Solutions.

Extended comprehensive insurance for your electric car

Our electric car insurance consists of a comprehensive insurance cover, in addition to the legally required Civil Liability. In this way, you are not only insured for the damage others have incurred in the event of an accident that you have caused, but also for your own damage.

It is important to mention, however, that this insurance only applies to a few exclusive models. Please contact our experts to find out whether your car is one of them.

Unique cover and conditions 

Our Electric Vehicle insurance offers very comprehensive coverage. It is also a transparent product without fine print, which avoids discussions.

Very competitive rates 

With regard to electric cars, Van Dessel specialises in insuring Teslas. This allows us to offer very competitive prices.  

Wondering how much an insurance will cost for your Tesla? Ask about your premium right away using the form below:

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VD Electric Vehicle Solutions is a product offered by insurance company Vivium, a brand of P&V Verzekeringen. This insurance covers the risks associated with owning and driving a car. Only civil liability coverage is mandatory by law but you can increase your protection by taking out additional insurance covers relating to your vehicle, your mobility or your person.

Brief description of the coverages offered

For detailed information on the rights and obligations of the insurance company and the insured, please refer to the IPID sheet and the general and/or special terms and conditions of the selected insurance product.

Civil Liability

If you are liable for an accident, we insure your interests and the material and physical damage caused to third parties. We also insure the damage caused to vulnerable road users (pedestrians, cyclists and passengers), even if you are not liable for the accident.

Legal Assistance

We cover your recourse against a liable third party for your bodily injury or the material damage to the insured vehicle. We insure your criminal defence in case you are prosecuted for any traffic offence. If legal proceedings are necessary, you are free to choose your own lawyer.

The Legal Assistance coverage is limited: we insure up to € 125,000.00 including VAT.

Driver Protection

We cover your bodily injury as driver of the insured vehicle if you are liable for the accident. The contract provides for compensation in the event of death, permanent disability or temporary incapacity, and for the reimbursement of treatment costs. You can choose between different insurance limits.

Car Own Damage

To insure damage caused to the insured vehicle, you can choose between the following covers:

  • Glass breakage: breakage of the windscreen, side windows, rear window or sunroof window.
  • Fire: damage caused by fire, explosion or short-circuit.
  • Natural forces: damage caused by storm, hail, flood or other natural disasters and any damage caused by animals.
  • Material damage: damage caused by accident or vandalism.
  • Theft: disappearance or damage as a result of (attempted) theft (including carjacking or home jacking).

Within the framework of the cover for material damage, a fixed deductible of € 950.00 or € 650.00 is always applicable, depending on the model.


As part of the vehicle assistance, we guarantee the following assistance in case of an accident, theft, breakdown or any other incident (tyre puncture, problems with keys or fuel):

  • repair or towing of the insured vehicle.
  • the passengers’ return to their place of residence or continuation of their journey or accommodation expenses or provision of a replacement vehicle.

As part of the personal assistance, we organize and guarantee assistance: 

  • to the insured sick or injured persons (repatriation, presence of a close relative, costs of extended hotel stay, return trip of the insured fellow travellers).
  • in the event of death of the insured person (repatriation of the mortal remains or burial costs abroad).
  • in case of other events, such as search and rescue costs or advance of funds.

Brief description of the major risks NOT covered by the insurance

For detailed information on the rights and obligations of the insurance company and the insured, please refer to the IPID sheet and the general and/or special terms and conditions of the selected insurance product.

Civil Liability

Damage suffered by the driver who was liable for the accident.

Material damage to the insured vehicle.

Legal Assistance

Fines, surcharges and amicable settlements.

Driver Protection

Permanent disability of less than 8%.

The first month of temporary disability.

Car Own Damage

Damage resulting from theft or attempted theft:

  • if the vehicle is parked in a public place and you have not locked the doors or left the keys in a visible place in the vehicle.
  • If you have not reported the theft to the police within 24 hours.

Damage caused by wear and tear of the Vehicle or by a mechanical defect or construction error.


Stay abroad for more than 3 months

General Terms and Conditions and Contractual Documents

The IPID sheet (Information document on insurance product) can be found here.

The general terms and conditions of this insurance product can be found here.

It is essential that you review these documents before giving your approval to the financial product or signing it. The documents are available via the above links or can be requested from our office.

Legal Information and Complaints Management

The insurance contract is governed by Belgian law.

Origin of the product developer: product offered by Vivium, brand of P&V Verzekeringen, Rue Royale 151, 1210 Brussels.

Location where you can get a quote together with a calculation of the premium: Verzekeringskantoor Van Dessel NV, Misstraat 112, 2590 Berlaar.

The term of the product is one year. After the end date, your policy will be tacitly renewed for one year at a time, unless you (notice period of 2 months) or we (notice period of 3 months) cancel the policy by registered mail, by bailiff's writ or by delivery of the termination letter against receipt, subject to compliance with the aforementioned notice period. If you are a consumer, you can terminate the tacitly renewable contracts without any costs or penalties after the expiry of a period of one year from the start of the insurance contract. The termination shall take effect after the expiry of a period of two months.

Any complaint regarding this offer or the insurance contract can be addressed to the internal complaints department of Verzekeringskantoor Van Dessel NV, Misstraat 112, 2590 Berlaar,

If you disagree with the outcome of the complaint handling, you can submit a complaint to the VZW Insurance Ombudsman, Square de Meeûs 35, 1000 Brussels; Tel No: 02/ 547 58 71; Fax No: 02/ 547 59 75;; Complaints must be submitted in writing. Submitting a complaint does not affect the policyholder's right to take legal action.

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